• Duration:8 minutes and 52 seconds
  • Date:2013/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
This session will talk about the different types of motors used in the industry; DC, Brushless DC, Steppers, Permanent Magnet Synchronous, and AC Induction. To gather a better understanding of motors, differences of these motors with advantages and disadvantages of each will be shown. Basic motor drive circuits will be discussed from full H-Bridge drive to half-bridge for 3-phase motors. Other drive concepts such as 6-step commutation along with drive issues such as current recirculation will be discussed. Field Oriented Control will also be discussed and how it has progressed with improving technology. This session will end with how to implement a motor control application using TI solutions from analog products, digital controllers and software to precisely control the position, velocity and torque of mechanical drives.
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