LittlevGL is a free and open source graphics library that provides everything you need to create embedded GUIs, with easy-to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects and a low memory footprint.
I would like to ask, has anyone used 51 single chip microcomputer to control VGA display to display text and pictures, graduation project. Who can provide information? Thank you very much
[p=26, null, left][color=#000][font=Arial]After exploring for so long, it’s time to add some information. This article focuses on a simple framework for PCDSP data processing and transmission. [/font]
[i=s]This post was last edited by wo4fisher on 2021-9-5 21:22[/i]adminFish@DESKTOP-TF1T2RT MINGW64 ~/.espressif/esp-gitee-tools (master)
$ ./ ../esp-adf
Submodule 'components/esp-ad
I am using linux2.6+BOA server on the PAX270 board to allow remote users to log in to the board to view the pictures captured by the video. Some of the pages can only be viewed by people with certain