LittlevGL is a free and open source graphics library that provides everything you need to create embedded GUIs, with easy-to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects and a low memory footprint.
:( Traditional PLC refers to a programmable controller designed according to the requirements of processing logical operations and sequential control, using a dedicated hard real-time operating system
Based on the post "Retain the beautiful scenery around you", I have an idea to post a theme post for each season of the year. You can share some photos or interesting things, or you can share a delici
VCC=DC24V, when s3 or s4 is pressed, it can output 24V, when S3 or S4 is not pressed, why does BTS723 have 9V output? According to the PDF, it should output 0 [[i] This post was last edited by simonpr
I would like to ask about the I/O input and output. In the process of system design, all input and output digital quantities are photoelectrically isolated. Photoelectric isolation can effectively sup
Recently, my supervisor asked me to do a project on embedded CNC. I originally studied mechanics and know very little about this area. I have a few questions to ask you masters: How to design the keyb