• Duration:45 minutes and 1 seconds
  • Date:2020/07/17
  • Uploader:hi5

Listen to what you want to hear and enjoy your own world. ams' new digital enhanced hearing solution opens up a new design of enhanced wireless earbuds, regulating environmental noise through market-leading active noise cancellation (ANC) performance, adaptive leakage compensation (ALC) technology and adaptive scene switching (APS) and other functions , providing users with a first-class noise reduction experience and significantly improving the sound quality of portable consumer electronic devices.

Small, portable, smart and comfortable, this is the direction of future headphone design. ams digital enhanced hearing solutions are optimized for semi-in-ear headphones. Combined with ams optical proximity in-ear detection solutions and innovative capacitive touch and other interactions, ams' goal is to assist customers in designing the best headphones.

In this webinar, ams will bring you:

  • Various advantageous solutions provided on wireless earbuds and simplified headphone design
  • Digital hearing enhancement, especially optimized and stable active noise reduction technology for more comfortable semi-in-ear headphones
  • Optical proximity in-ear detection and optical sensing interaction
  • Related technology demonstrations
  • Discuss technology trends and potential applications together

ams has profound technical experience in this field and is a global technology leader, and deserves your active participation.

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