This is my first time developing a PCI9054 driver under vxWorks, and I have encountered many problems. The card is correctly accessed using memory mapping under Windows, but I have not tested access u
When I was posting a blog, I could only select tags with the mouse, and the webpage would go blank when I typed keywords on the keyboard. I began to suspect that it was a browser problem, so I switche
Friends who have been learning FPGA for a while, do you have better ideas for divider design? At present, my ideas are limited to [color=red]shift -> compare -> subtract[/color], and I hope friends wi
Please analyze this circuit. The signal path is as follows: Ultrasonic signal (very small amplitude, a few millivolts to tens of millivolts) enters from the probe -----> C22 isolates the DC component
Synchronous dual-port RAM module, you can understand how it works by looking at the parameters, so I will not say more, you can directly copy it to your own project for use. // synthesis verilog_input