When I debug the Can module of the LM3S9L97 board, the system always prompts that identifier "GPIO_PB4_CAN0RX" is undefined
But I have stated above
#define PART_LM3S9L97 #include "driverlib/pin_map.h"
[align=left][b]1. Design Purpose[/b][/align][align=left]For the power supply of digital circuits, the nominal value was once 5V, and it is still used now. 5V is an indispensable power supply in the po
In the STM32 Firmware library directory: ...STM32F10xFWLibFWLibprojectRIDE , there is a stm32f10x_vector.c file. This ..._vector.c is related to the interrupt vector. For the Ride7 compilation environ
A Project Management Office (PMO) is a company-wide functional organization established to share project management skills and experience within the enterprise. In an enterprise, it may have various n
Now I want to port a console program under VC to EVC environment. I installed EVC 4.0, SP4 and Standard SDK, but I still found that some C library functions such as Process.h and errno.h are missing.