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  • From data to knowledge
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  • Duration:14 minutes and 49 seconds
  • Date:2020/11/26
  • Uploader:木犯001号
keywords: data mining
This course completely covers all core technologies in the field of data mining, including data preprocessing, classification, clustering, regression, association, recommendation, ensemble learning, evolutionary computing, etc. Emphasizing on finding the best balance between the breadth, depth and interest of knowledge, the core ideas and key technologies of data mining, as well as some important knowledge points rarely covered in other related courses and textbooks, are described in vivid humor. This course is suitable for students from various majors and engineering and technical personnel who are interested in big data and data science. It does not pursue pure theoretical derivation, but organically combines theory with practice, allowing students to learn living knowledge, useful knowledge and real Your own knowledge, especially research methods and ways of thinking in the field of data analysis.
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