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  • Basic concepts, laws and analysis methods of circuits_Analysis methods of circuits: equivalent simplification of circuits and actual power supplies
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  • Duration:48 minutes and 53 seconds
  • Date:2021/07/22
  • Uploader:老白菜
Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Courses 1. Course Overview At present, electrical and electronic technology is widely used and developing very rapidly. It is increasingly penetrating into other subject areas to promote their development and plays an important role in my country's current economic construction. This course is a technical basic course for non-electrical majors. Its main task is to lay a solid theoretical foundation for electrical engineering technology for students to learn professional knowledge and engage in engineering and technical work, and to enable them to receive necessary basic skills training. Some of the material in this course is covered in physics courses. But while physics emphasizes concepts, this course emphasizes engineering applications.
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