I used to work on C51, and when writing the main program, it was in the form of [code] main() { ; while(1) { ; } }[/code], and you couldn't write too much code in the interrupt function. Now I use msp
I checked the information and found out that this is an infrared pyroelectric sensor. Is its output voltage related to temperature? I want to use it to measure body temperature (not considering the ac
Found area constraint ratio of 100 (+ 5) on block IME_engine, actual ratio is 32. This sentence will appear when ISE is about to finish synthesis. What does this sentence mean?
Symbol.Barcode.Reader MyReader = new Symbol.Barcode.Reader(); This line of code gives a NullReferenceException error; I am using smdk 1.6 and following the examples in the samples. Even if I run the s
I would like to ask how the 7-bit code in PDU is encoded. How is it implemented specifically and what are the steps? I searched online and all I saw were encoding and decoding algorithms, but no speci