Embedded in Linux, how to store the data collected by the camera into MJPG format and realize the playback function.
Assuming that the collected data is RGB565 or RGB24, should it be compressed into J
During the SPI initialization of LPC1768, SPI can choose to transmit 8-16 bits of data, and the SPI data register S0SPDR can only write 16 bits of data at most.
However, when communicating with the po
First of all, I would like to thank GigaDevice and EEWORLD Forum for providing this evaluation opportunity. My evaluation plan is to display the ADC converted data dynamically in a graphical manner on
First of all, this is an advanced circuit knowledge question, not a brain teaser.
For small signals in the frequency range of 100Hz--100kHz, what basic component does the op amp correspond to?
I would like to ask you, what is the problem that generates such warning when building the target file of the microcontroller? Thank you very much! WARNING L1: UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL SYMBOL SYMBOL: VALUE