I use MSP430F149 to do AD conversion. When the voltage signal is directly added to the input pin (P6), a relatively accurate conversion can be achieved. However, if the voltage signal is passed throug
[color=black]The Lenovo laptop battery in the picture below is only 5600mAh, which is not as good as three Xiaomi batteries in terms of numbers.[/color] [color=black] One of the major factors restrict
[i=s]This post was last edited by yanda5zi on 2013-12-23 15:41[/i] Is there anyone who is participating in the SensorTag activity on the forum? The time for submitting works is getting closer. Can any
Kinetis Tower Kit, as the title: http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=TOWER&parentCode=K60&fpsp=1 Personal purchase, no invoice, sorry, 1000 out
[b][/b][b][url=http://www.deyisupport.com/question_answer/microcontrollers/c2000/f/56/t/116794.aspx]Have you read all the 1000+ technical dry goods? [/url][/b][align=left][font=微软雅黑][size=3][color=#00