TAK Imaging has launched the SKRRPP-DS kit, which includes all the hardware and software needed to quickly develop the next generation of thermal sublimation printers. The core of the kit is the compa
I am used to using stm32 microcontrollers, but suddenly I need to use pic16f628a. I can't adapt to it for a while, and my English is too poor. . . Is there any expert who has used pic16f628a and can p
public class Sound{private byte[] m_soundBytes;private string m_fileName;private enum Flags{SND_SYNC = 0x0000,/* play synchronously (default) */SND_ASYNC = 0x0001,/* play asynchronously */SND_NODEFAUL
I am going to use MRF24J40 to build a ZIGBEE system . The MCU part is from other manufacturers. The problems are: 1. I have to write the underlying protocol myself, and I have no idea where to start;