I have recently been testing VM2020, a piezoelectric MEMS microphone with ultra-high AOP.
It is a little different from other capacitive MEMS microphones. The distorted waveform is a little strange wh
Now I am doing serial port acquisition and using multithreading. There is a problem that the CPU usage is a bit too high. It takes up 30% on my dual-core machine, and more than 50% on a low-end Celero
[i=s]This post was last edited by caomuhui on 2021-5-16 16:38[/i]1. UnboxingBoard*1, Type-C data cable*1, anti-static packaging, board thickness 1.6mm, tin spraying, board rounded corners, the jumper
[i=s]This post was last edited by jameswangsynnex on 2015-3-3 20:01[/i] [p=24, null, left][color=rgb(51, 51, 51)][font=Arial, 宋体]Marvell Technology (NASDAQ: MRVL), a leading integrated chip solution p
The input of LM2678 is 28.6V, the output resistor is 1K and 20K+1K potentiometer. The voltage range is 25.5-26.5VInductor 38uH, 0.8 square enameled wire, output capacitor 50V, 220ufOthers are designed
Recently, I was debugging GD32F350's USB Device and found that the official library could not be debugged and there were several bugs. I would like to share this with you (for those who use IAR 8.x or