We want to make our own IPC camera, with a resolution of 2-3 megapixels, with all the functions of a camera, including IE access, desktop client, etc., supporting ONVIF protocol, preferably 28181.
When we analyze the lwIP protocol stack, we often see the LWIP_DEBUGF() function. I think the author of lwIP may have spent a lot of time adding it to make it easier for people to learn and use lwIP.I
How to use the arrow keys to control the movement of the mouse? I made one. After pressing the arrow keys, the mouse position moves, but when the mouse moves, it returns to the original position. Why?
Hyperlynx8.2, when opening the hyp file, the following error message appears: error counting nets; hyp file is corrupt or empty. Open the hyp file installed with hyperlynx, and it works. There is a pr
Stellaris Sandstorm Series ARM Cortex-M3-based MCUs
With 64KB of single-cycle flash, 8KB of single-cycle SRAM, and 50MHz performance, the Stellaris LM3S800 microprocessor is ideal for embedded control