The shortest word conversion time of ADS1115 is about 1.2ms. How long after the sampling is started does the sampling take place? In the current project, in order to maintain the ADC front-end signal,
I'm currently working on a little Lora gadget, using STM8. The program needs to enter the serial port program multiple times, and each time it enters the serial port program, a value will be returned.
I want to develop a set of operating software for CNC machine tools. If you have any friends who know about this, you can contact me. I am in Beijing. If you think you can do it or your friends can do
I recently used the ypb nano board from the microPython Chinese community. When I typed the help(pyb) function in the terminal during the learning process, many functions and classes appeared. Then I
The authoritative guide to FPGA rapid system prototyping is intended for engineers who are interested in using FPGAs for product development. The main purpose of this book is to introduce the necessar