When I was learning ARM, I learned STM32, and I felt that the firmware library was very good. Now I switched to C2000, but I can't find the feeling I had when I learned 32. I spent a lot of time, but
Recently, when I was working on a project, I wanted to use the mouse interception function under the WINCE system, that is, I wanted to use the journal hook under WINCE. The information said that WINC
Thank you all for your hard work for the forum. Here we select some friends who have made outstanding contributions in October!Outstanding Moderator of October Forum ID Responsible section Reason for
Silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) are becoming increasingly popular in power electronics, especially in automotive applications, as production volumes scale and the need for better tools
[size=4]A newbie needs guidance! I use F407's ADC1 to sample a potentiometer. The two ends of a 5K ohm potentiometer are connected to vcc3.3 and GND respectively, and the middle is connected to PA0. T