There are three pictures, schematic diagram, PCB [actual board is copper-clad], PCB without copper-clad, copper is PGND, I don't know why, LCD_PWM input high, VBL+ to VBL- voltage is 5.5V, LCD_PWM inp
I have been working in this company for more than two years. In the first half of the year, I did some small modules and some code maintenance work. In the past year or so, I have been working on a pr
[align=left][color=#333333][font=Tahoma, Verdana, STHeiTi, simsun, sans-serif]First, let me post the video. Please forgive me for the low sound when I recorded it, and I don’t have any professional eq
#define WDT_ARST_1000 (WDTPW+WDTCNTCL+WDTSSEL) /* 1000ms " */ Its premise is (assumed 32KHz) Why is it exactly 1000ms? Can this premise be changed? How to change it? Also, can it be changed to other v
There are N numbers, assuming N = 8. We need to sum these 8 numbers, find the maximum and minimum values among these 8 numbers, and subtract them from the sum. These 8 numbers are stored in array ABC[