I would like to ask how do you test power management chips? Is there any good testing method or experience that you can teach me? I am currently doing testing in this area, but I always feel that I ca
Use the flash operation function of ion to write another hex file generated by out to 0x408000. There is no response when the target device is powered on. When connected to the target device, the out
Implementation of Multi-tasking and Multi-threading Mechanism in Single-chip Microcomputer SystemThe first thing to point out is that we are not discussing the design of embedded real-time multi-taski
I would like to ask if using C language to program the hardware multiplier of MSP430 for multiplication is the same as general C language programming, such as using i=i*k. Or is there a special multip
Just bought it, try it out, there is a
P1.2 (RXD)
Is it possible to send data to the computer's serial port through these two interfaces?
For example, read the value of P1.0, P1.6 and send i