I didn't want to use the built-in WIFI configuration link program of wince, so I referred to http://www.cnblogs.com/Jade2009/archive/2009/02/23/1368201.html. The article here wrote a program to try to
Regardless of the type of motor controller or inverter, there are varying degrees of harmonic voltage and current during operation, causing the motor to operate under non-sinusoidal voltage and curren
Which friend has made an I2S audio driver? The following code means: void _WrL3AddrData(unsigned char Addr,DWORD data) { unsigned short WriteData =(unsigned short)data; int i;//j; unsigned short temp
I want to realize network communication between PC and DSP. I don't understand SOCKET. I want to know whether the UDP data packet sent by SOCKET conforms to the following structure: 1. Ethernet header