I used a multi-purpose board to make a clock with DS1302 and 1602 display. The 1602 can display the time but the time does not run. . . . The two pins of the 32.768KHZ crystal oscillator of the DS1302
PADS2005, the schematic has been drawn, but the component numbers (R1.R2...) are messed up. I want to re-arrange them, but I have been trying for a long time and it doesn't work. Please help me. Thank
[table=98%][tr][td][table=90%][tr][td]A short man walked into the circus manager's office and said, "I can perform a lot of acrobatics on your stages." "Really? What can you do?" "For example, I can s
By Bonnie C. Baker, Texas Instruments Why are instrumentation amplifiers so often misunderstood? The three-op-amp instrumentation amplifier shown in Figure 1 appears to be a simple structure because i
My development board is ARMSYS2440, and the operating system I ported is wince 5.0. The LCD I used originally was a 320*240 L35T32. Due to project requirements, I changed it to a 800*600 L80T86 LCD. A