The board uses YUV422 format, and the output of 640*480 size pictures is normal. I want to configure it to RGB565 format output. The data collected by the official configuration value is all white. I
"D:/CCS4.x/instal/ccsv4/tools/compiler/c2000/lib/rts2800_ml.lib" specifies ISA revision "C2800", which is not compatible with ISA revision "C28FPU32" specified in a previous file or on the command lin
The capacitance of ADC input will affect the accuracy, so it is necessary to calibratethe leakage current of +-1uA at ADC input every time the machine is turned on. Will this leakage current change si
[i=s]This post was last edited by helloxieyu on 2015-4-10 16:05[/i] //The following is an example of the TIMERA continuous counting mode generating interrupts, //TACCTL0 |=CCIE; //When CCR0 interrupt
Yesterday a friend asked me about the stepper motor driver. He said he hoped to use the timer interrupt mode so that when the program is running, the motor driver would not take up too much CPU time.
Workshop logFirst of all, let me briefly say that the focus of this MCU DAY seminar continues from last year, from a single introduction to MSP430 to an expansion of C2000 and Stellaris .
The entire c