The 2024 version of the ESP32 development tutorial based on ESP-IDF is aimed at basic beginners. I hope this series of tutorials can help you solve many problems and lead you on the road of ESP32 development.
What is the biggest difference between STM32F103VBT6 L version and Y version? I recently bought some L versions, and the program is unstable after burning it, while the previous Y version is normal!
I am still in school and I have to write a graduation thesis. I really want to do a project related to aviation because the school has a real machine for research. My instructor suggested that I could
I made a board with STM32F103VB. I have connected the power, reset, BOOT0 and BOOT1, and JTAG ports, but not the crystal oscillator. I ran a small program with the internal 8M crystal oscillator and e
Let me describe the problem first: Now there is a USB device with a driver disk. I need to make a client program to capture the data transmitted by the device through USB. That is to complete the comm
I used a CF card as the boot disk and copied nk.bin to the CF card. I used the local download of loadcepc to load the nk.bin generated by the cepc option in the pb platform into the embedded memory. T