• Duration:6 minutes and 29 seconds
  • Date:2014/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
keywords: Arduino Embedded
Course background:
The execution component is an important part of embedded applications. Different control scenarios require the use of different execution components. In this course, students will take stock of the usage methods and usage scenarios of the most commonly used execution components, so that students can correctly select execution components according to the needs of the application.
Core content:
1. Principles and control methods of DC motors.
2. The principle and control method of the steering gear, as well as the usage scenarios.
3. The principles and control methods of stepper motors, as well as usage scenarios.
4. Detailed principle of PWM.
Software environment: Arduino IDE, Fritzing
Course level: Beginner
Suitable for:
Zero-based embedded enthusiasts
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