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  • Lesson 12 Dual-port RAM used in embedded block RAM
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  • Duration:44 minutes and 57 seconds
  • Date:2016/03/25
  • Uploader:phantom7
  Here, Brother Xiaomei will share with you our carefully recorded and edited series of FPGA learning tutorials - "Brother Xiaomei's FPGA Design Ideas and Verification Methods Video Tutorial". The tutorial fully considers the actual situation of 0-level friends and guides learners step by step in analyzing ideas, writing code, simulation verification, and board-level debugging. Teach grammar, learn simulation, step by step, until finally designing several more comprehensive logic systems.

  The tutorial uses our self-developed Xinxianhang FPGA learning board as the experimental platform. Through several basic and comprehensive system design explanations, we can master the ideas and methods of FPGA design and verification step by step.

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