• Duration:3 minutes and 56 seconds
  • Date:2017/04/17
  • Uploader:liren1979
The work designed this time has the following innovative points: 1. The robot is deformable, and the robot can transform into a six-legged crawling robot and a spherical rolling robot through the conversion of the mechanical structure; 2. The robot has inertial navigation control, and the robot crawling in the six-legged form has greater capabilities. High control accuracy index; 3. The work draws on the advantages of Lego building block toys and the shortcomings of existing graphical programming toys and traditional remote control toys. The team members designed a programming building block to materialize programming and turn robot programming into a Building blocks greatly reduce the programming threshold.
This design uses ST's SensorTile development kit and STM32 microcontroller. The completed robot system consists of a controller module, inertial navigation module, wireless remote control, Bluetooth communication module, 2.4G wireless communication module, servo motor, PWM module, and OLED module. It consists of eleven parts, Android APP, system power module, and spherical mechanical structure. See the work description for details.
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