Solar battery and charging circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:黄土马家 Keywords: solar battery charging Updated: 2023/11/20
For the utilization of this variable electric energy, it is an effective way to use batteries to store the generated energy during the day and use batteries to supply electric energy at night. The figure below is the structure of the system. The following describes the charging control circuit for extracting maximum power from solar cells.

(1) Circuit using only one diode The simplest charging circuit is as shown in the figure below, using only one anti-backflow diode in series with the battery. Although this method is simple, the voltage of the solar panel must match the voltage of the battery. The voltage of the smallest unit of a solar cell is about 0.5V. The actual solar panel has multiple units connected in series and packaged together. The voltage of the solar panel of the circuit in Figure 3 should be the same as the maximum charging voltage of the battery.

(2) The charging circuit to improve efficiency is shown in the figure below. A DC-DC converter is inserted between the solar panel and the battery. The voltage difference between the solar panel and the battery is coordinated by the DC-DC converter. This circuit can control 80% of the open-circuit output voltage of the solar panel to achieve high-efficiency charging.

A more efficient charging circuit is shown in the better diagram, a high-efficiency charging circuit with maximum power point tracking (MPPT). This circuit detects the solar panel output voltage and current to track the maximum power generation output (Voltage × Current = Generated Power). In order to calculate the power, this circuit uses a microprocessor.

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