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LM386 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier

Source: InternetPublisher:qoistoochee128 Keywords: LM386 audio power amplifier Updated: 2024/07/18

1. Description:

LM386 is an audio power amplifier produced by National Semiconductor Corporation, mainly used in low-voltage consumer products. To minimize external components, the voltage gain is built in as 20. However, by adding an external resistor and capacitor between pins 1 and 8, the voltage gain can be adjusted to any value up to 200. The input is referenced to ground, and the output is automatically biased to half the supply voltage. At a 6V supply voltage, its static power consumption is only 24mW, making the LM386 particularly suitable for battery-powered applications.

LM386 is available in 8-lead dual in-line and SMD packages.
LM386 pin diagram
2. Features:
Low static power consumption, about 4mA, can be used for battery power supply.
Wide operating voltage range, 4-12V or 5-18V.
Few peripheral components.
Adjustable voltage gain, 20-200.
Low distortion.

LM386 power supply voltage is 4--12V, audio power is 0.5w. LM386 audio amplifier is manufactured by NSC, its power supply voltage range is very wide, up to 15V, quiescent current consumption is 4mA, when the power supply voltage is 12V, under 8 ohm load, it can provide several hundred mW of power. Its typical input impedance is 50K.

Typical application circuit

LM386 Typical Application Circuit





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