The second type of balancing circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:明天见 Keywords: Balance circuit potentiometer Updated: 2020/10/07
In the balancing circuit using the second connection method , its working principle is shown in Figure 1-96. When the potentiometer sliding arm moves to
the inverting input terminal "one" of lc, the parallel value of the resonant impedance B and the feedback resistor R is the smallest, so the feedback amount is the smallest and
the circuit gain is the highest, which is equivalent to the gain of o and its surrounding frequencies. promote. When the potentiometer sliding arm moves to the non-inverting input terminal "+" of LC , the parallel value of the
input attenuation resistor R'o of B and LC is minimum, so that the signal input voltage of fo and its surrounding rate
is minimum, and the gain is attenuated.
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