6.8 volt transformer power supply circuit diagram
Source: InternetPublisher:酷到被通缉 Keywords: Transformer circuit diagram power supply circuit Updated: 2020/05/07
A fairly simple power supply that can be built in an hour and a half. This program is designed for a voltage of 6.8V and a current of V300mA. Replace the zener diode D4 and the voltage can be changed, if necessary, with D3. A transistor heatsink setting and load current can be added. Diode Bridge - Any, pretty good with at least 400 volts reverse voltage . By the way, we can look back to ancient times and the diode D226B, which had a terrible popularity.
The program is electrically isolated from AC, so you must be very careful when assembling, installing and using it.
Parts list:
R1: 4K7
R2: 5K6
R3: 3K9
C1: 1000uF/10V
D1: KU405B
D2: KC650A
D3: D817B
D4: KC168
T1: KT940A
T2, T3: KT815
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