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Typical connection diagram for IR2110 application

Source: InternetPublisher:常思一二 Keywords: IR2110 BSP power supply IGBT Updated: 2020/07/30

18.<strong>IR2110</strong>Typical connection diagram for application.gif

The typical application connections of IR 2110 are shown in Figure 12-37. Usually, the
operating power supply of its output stage is a floating power supply, which is
obtained from a fixed power supply through a bootstrap technique . The voltage resistance of the charging diode VD must be greater than the peak voltage of the high-voltage bus.
In order to reduce power consumption, it is recommended to use a fast recovery diode. The value of the bootstrap capacitor C
depends on the switching frequency, duty cycle and charging of the power MOSFET or IGBT gate
. It should be noted that the withstand voltage at both ends of the capacitor is not allowed to be lower than the under-voltage blocking threshold,
otherwise protective effects will occur. Shut down. For switching applications above 5kHz, typically used
. . A capacitor of 1f/F is suitable.
    (z) In order to provide transient current to the capacitive load that needs to be switched,
two bypass capacitors should be connected between vcc and COM and between VDD and y in the application. These two capacitors and
the energy storage capacitor between VB and Vs All must be connected to the device nearby. It is recommended that the bypass capacitor on Vcc
be connected in parallel with an n 1VF ceramic capacitor and an iFeF tantalum capacitor, and an o_ ipiF ceramic capacitor on the logic power supply
V∞ is sufficient.
    (3) High-current MOSFETs or IGBTs require relatively large gate driving
capabilities, and the output of IR 2110 can drive these devices quickly. In order to
minimize the inductance in the gate drive circuit, each MOSFET should be connected to
pins 2 and 5 of JR 2110 respectively as feedback for the gate drive signal. For smaller power
MOSFET or IGBT , a gate resistor can be connected in series at the output. The value of the gate resistor depends
on the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility (EMI), switching loss and the maximum allowable dvldt value.




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