Subwoofer low pass filter circuit diagram
Source: InternetPublisher:公子李 Keywords: low pass filter speaker circuit diagram filter circuit Updated: 2021/10/23
This is just another low pass filter circuit for many subwoofers . The circuit given here is based on the TL062 op amp from ST Microelectronics. The TL062 is a dual high input impedance J-FET operational amplifier with very low power consumption and high slew rate. Op amps have excellent audio characteristics and are well suited for this track. Inside the TLC062 are two operational amplifiers, the first one is wired as a mixer and preamplifier stage. The left and right channels are connected to the inverting input of the IC1a mix. The gain of the first stage can be adjusted using pot R3.The output of the first stage is connected to the input of the second stage through a network of filter components R5, R6, R7, R8, C4 and C5. The second op amp (IC1B) acts as a buffer at pin 7 of the TLC062 and filters the output.
Circuit diagram
circuit power supply
Good quality printed circuit board assembled circuit.
The circuit operates from dual +12/-12 V DC supplies.
Must be installed in IC1 holder.
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