Use LM386 to make voice-controlled music lanterns
Source: InternetPublisher:aytwartoofyoroo Keywords: Voice control LM386 music lantern Updated: 2020/04/18
VD1, VD2, C1 and C2 form a simple capacitor step-down half-wave rectification and voltage stabilizing circuit, which outputs a DC
voltage of about 12V to power the integrated block LM386. The piezoelectric ceramic piece B connected to pin 3 of the non-inverting input terminal of LM386
receives the environmental
sound wave signal and converts it into the corresponding electrical signal. After amplification by the internal circuit of the integrated block, it is output from pin 5 and can be driven in both directions by C4 and
T. The silicon-controlled VS makes the conduction angle of VS change with the strength of the signal picked up by B, so the colored light string H can flash and light up with the strength of
the ambient sound wave signal .
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