TA8200AH power amplifier circuit drawing schematic diagram
Source: InternetPublisher:桂花蒸 Keywords: Power supply other power circuits Updated: 2021/12/03
TA8200AH power amplifier circuit diagram schematic diagram.
TA8200AH power amplifier application circuit diagram
Maximum working power supply voltage 37V, output power 2×13W
Typical working power supply voltage 28V Normal working voltage 10-37V
Noise output noise
Icoo TYP typical quiescent current
Icoo MAX maximum quiescent current
RL load resistance
PO output power
RIN input resistance
TDH harmonic distortion
Normal working voltage means that it can work normally within this range.
Many parameters given by integrated circuits are tested according to typical operating voltages.
Pin connection: OTL
![TA8200AH power amplifier circuit drawing schematic diagram](http://www.eeworld.com.cn/circuit/upload/d8aa553f12e9da9600066a0ab31fa404/041ef1fdbd330bcb225136a24fb5a22c.jpg)
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