AD585 applied to A/D conversion system circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:武林萌主 Keywords: A/D conversion AD585 Updated: 2024/08/05
As shown in the figure, this is the circuit of AD585 applied to A/D conversion system. AD585 has fast sampling time, so it can be used in multi-channel data acquisition system to complete high-frequency signal and high-throughput high-speed A/D conversion. AD585 completes the sampling and holding of the signal, and AD578K completes the analog-to-digital conversion task of the signal. The 0-10V analog signal is input from pin 2 of AD585, and after sampling and holding, it is output from pin 8 to pin 27 of AD578K. After AD578K, the analog signal is converted into a 12-bit digital signal output. The sampling and holding state is completed by the output of the control signal from the STATUS terminal (pin 20) of AD578K to the HOLD terminal (pin 12) of AD585. When HOLD=0, the circuit is in the sampling state; when HOLD=1, the circuit is in the holding state. The signal passing rate is 117.6kHz, and the maximum signal input frequency is 58.8kHz.
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