Auto-coupling voltage regulator AC stabilized power supply circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:太白金星 Keywords: AC regulated power supply voltage regulator regulated power supply circuit BSP Updated: 2021/07/29
The servo motor controlled auto-voltage regulator AC voltage stabilizer has the advantages of simple structure, high sensitivity, undistorted output waveform, and
wide voltage regulation range.
The circuit is shown in Figure 14-86. This circuit can make the output voltage basically stable when the input voltage changes in the range of 240~250V
; the minimum adjustment voltage is 2V.
The polarization relay can reflect the polarity of the current, has high sensitivity and rapid action, and can be used in J Hl or 2,
3, 4, and 5 types.
In addition, in order to ensure that the voltage regulator sliding arm can automatically stop when it moves to the limit position of voltage boost or voltage reduction, limit
switches SQi and SQ2 are provided. H] and H2 are the upper and lower offside indicators respectively. Adjusting RPi and RPz can change the output
voltage setting value.
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