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CD4017 makes a colorful light controller

Source: InternetPublisher:三月小雨 Keywords: Color light control CD4017 Updated: 2024/06/17

CD4017 is very popular because of its superior performance, and its applications are countless. Since I like beautiful colored lights, I want to make an application analysis of the performance of CD4017.

1. A colored light circuit made with a CD4017

1. The colored light circuit made with a CD4017 is shown in Figure 1:

2. Working Principle

The order of CD4017 outputting high level is ③, ②, ④, ⑦, ⑩, ①, ⑤, ⑥, ⑨ pins, so the high level of ③, ②, ④, ⑦, ⑩, ① pins makes the 6 strings of colored lights emit in sequence to the right, and the high level of ⑤, ⑥, ③ pins makes the 6 strings of colored lights emit light from the center to both sides. Various lighting methods can be combined according to your needs. If you want to change the flash speed of the colored lights, you can change the size of capacitor C1.

2. The circuit diagram of the colored lights composed of three CD4O17

The cascade of CD4017 is shown in Figure 2:

2. CD4017 can output 24 high levels in sequence after being cascaded. The same principle can be used to combine various lighting modes, such as 6 strings of colored lights flowing to the right, then to the left, spreading out from the center to both sides and then moving toward the center to light up, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6 strings of lights emitting light at intervals, etc.





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