Digital Signal Processing Beihang University Wang Jun

Digital Signal Processing Beihang University Wang Jun

DSPfilterDigital Signal Processing

Taking audio signal processing as an example, a problem-oriented experimental teaching model is adopted, equipped with modular experimental routines such as signal spectrum analysis, filter design, filter implementation, and course comprehensive experiments, including analog filters, Matlab/FPGA/DSP digital filtering Devices etc. Analog filter examples connect relevant course content such as electronic circuits, signals and systems to increase the continuity of knowledge. Examples of digital filters to strengthen the connection and difference between "digital signal processing" and "signals and systems".

Total of 40 lessons8 hours and 26 minutes and 55 seconds

DSP5509 Microprocessor Video Tutorial

DSP5509 Microprocessor Video Tutorial

DSPDigital Signal Processing5509

Total of 14 lessons8 hours and 31 minutes and 19 seconds

Shopkeeper Zhang speaks 28335

Shopkeeper Zhang speaks 28335

DSPDigital Signal Processing28335

PIE module, GPIO module, XINTF module, I2C module, ADC module, DMA module, clock and watchdog module, external interrupt module, SCI module, XDS100V2 getting started under CCS4.2

Total of 10 lessons7 hours and 32 minutes and 51 seconds

Yongteng Electronics 28335 video

Yongteng Electronics 28335 video

DSPDigital Signal Processing28335

Total of 11 lessons10 hours and 32 minutes and 15 seconds

TMS320C6748 dsp development video tutorial

TMS320C6748 dsp development video tutorial

DSPDigital Signal Processingc6748

Total of 20 lessons9 hours and 1 minutes and 10 seconds




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