The issue of standby power consumption has become a hot topic of concern to the international community. Reducing the standby power consumption of household appliances not only means saving electricit
Here is an example of how to use tasks:
module bus_ctrl_tb;reg [7:0] data;reg data_valid, data_rd;cpu ul(data_valid,data,data_rd);initial begincpu_driver (8’b0000_0000);cpu_driver (8’b1010_1010);cpu_d
I have been using MSP430 since I came into contact with microcontrollers. I used IAR as the compilation environment. I remember the model was MSP430F2012. This microcontroller has only a dozen pins an
STM32F407 + OV2640 + external 1M SRAM Experimental purpose: Use STM32 to store the pixel data (32 bits) in OV2640 into external SRAM Experimental process: In order to see if the data is correct from S
AD623, amplified 2 times, the output is normal when it is powered on, but the output value starts to rise after about 1 minute, and the output is randomly programmed to be zero. Please give me some ad
Since we have used a barometer, and the previous article has tested the barometer, it is OK, so next we will monitor the atmospheric pressure all day. For the program, you can use the official routine