Dr. Dot Micro Quadcopter: How to interpret the gyroscope MPU6050 data PU6050 data is a 16-bit number. It belongs to the int16 type, that is, the data range is -32768 to 32767. The positive number rang
Hello experts, can you help me analyze why my SDIO interface WiFi driver fails to load? Thank you. The print information is as follows. I am using the WIFI driver of MARVELL8686: Load Ok!Jump to 0x205
I am currently porting a system and there is a problem with the LCD. The LCD controller supports BGR555, but the data provided by the system is RGB565. They don't match, and the display is a bit messy
Below is my single-chip car ultrasonic ranging alarm system program. Now it is required that when the distance drops to 25 cm, the buzzer alarm frequency becomes higher. How should I modify the progra
Is this warning built into F7 or added in MX1.3? (I remember it didn't appear when I was working on L4 before) As shown in the picture, this warning is asking me to change the systick in SYS to TIM?