I searched online but there seems to be no similar problem (maybe I'm too new to it. [img]file:///C:/Users/After All I Love Loli/Documents/Tencent%20Files/553282480/Image/C2C/4$UW%7D%256%60L4J(69FNCZX
I now need to divide functions into two categories: those with large memory access and those with small memory access. I can analyze the functions from the software implementation or hardware implemen
[i=s]This post was last edited by SYW on 2015-7-13 15:24[/i] Hey guys, I'm here to ask stupid questions again! This is a routine I found on the Internet, ADC program: void ADC(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW +
Several reasons why you have to read this book: 1. Rich content This book is very rich in content. A large number of examples are arranged in each chapter. A variety of solutions are proposed for the
[i=s] This post was last edited by nt52241930 on 2016-3-15 17:04[/i] I would like to ask everyone, after reading the manual, I found that using SysCtlSleep(); can enter the sleep interrupt vector, but