Machine learning is the study of how computers can simulate or implement human learning behavior to acquire new knowledge or skills, and reorganize existing knowledge structures to continuously improve their own performance.
int a=3; int c=6; int MULT(int x,int y); void main() { int sum,a; sum =MULT(a,c); printf("%d",sum); } int MULT(int x,int y) { int res; res =x * y; return res; } I am confused seeing this, heroes. Qin
I saw a good post and wanted to leave a message to contact the person but I didn't have the permission. It's almost impossible to earn prestige according to the above rules.
As we all know, the course "Signals and Systems" is really difficult and abstract. I recently went to the library to borrow a few big books, and I only understood half of them. However, I did understa