Machine learning is the study of how computers can simulate or implement human learning behavior to acquire new knowledge or skills, and reorganize existing knowledge structures to continuously improve their own performance.
The PC and the microcontroller communicate serially. The problem I encountered is: if the data is less than 8, it can be received correctly, and if the Chinese characters are less than 4, it can be re
How to achieve it? My graduation project wants to make a device that can transmit human pulse data to a mobile phone. Is there any expert who can give me some guidance, or other ideas, or other design
[b]Information source:[/b]Electronic Market 2006-11-21 In the field of system LSI (SoC) that constitutes the heart of portable terminals and digital home appliances, analog-digital hybrid system LSI w
[size=13px]I am working on a constant current circuit for a three-stage tube recently. I built the circuit according to the information on the Internet, but the actual test shows that it cannot keep t