This basic tutorial introduces the characteristics of differential signals and differential amplifiers, how to analyze differential op amp circuits, and also introduces ADI's differential amplifier calculator software and related resources.
The MCU source code is as follows:#include ioCC2540.h#include reg52.h#include intrins.h
unsigned char tmp;
unsigned int c=0;sbit led1=P2^0; //Indicator light 0sbit led2=P2^1; //Indicator light 1sbit l
An application targeting a Standard SDK for Windows CE.NET and built for the ARMV4T CPU cannot be run on the Emulator device. In order to run this application on any cpu other than the emulator, you'l
I hope you can give me some suggestions: I want to measure the tilt angle of a vertical pendulum and alarm when it tilts to a certain angle. How should I design it?