[table=98%] [tr][td][size=4]I recently observed a rather strange phenomenon when simulating a circuit with simulink. When Vcc=12V and the push-pull output circuit is not connected to a load, the outpu
I would like to ask, the whip wire seems to have only one line, how does it transmit and receive? Especially for receiving, does it receive voltage or current to reflect the received electromagnetic w
How can I get the cursor position in the edit box under EVC? POINT point; TCHAR a[20],b[20]; point = GetCaretPos(); _ltow(point.x,a,10); _ltow(point.y,b,10); AfxMessageBox(a); AfxMessageBox(b); When 2
CAN two stm32 development boards, one controls the other, connected by CAN, now compile the program, an error occurs after compiling, urgently ask for help to solve it! ! ! Thanks for the same error i
I would like to ask the teacher, I use TPS73HD318 to generate 3.3V and 1.8V power supplies, and make them according to the typical application diagram in the device data. The typical application diagr
I want to ask someone who has made GPS maps. Now, no matter which driver is uninstalled, GPS maps thinks that the SD card has been pulled out. I analyzed the reason. When the application calls Deactiv