From EEWORLD cooperation group: arm linux fpga embedded 0 (49900581) Group leader: wangkj I have only written programs on microcontrollers without operating systems before, written in C, and have not
[size=4] In electronic production and design, inductor coils with different parameters are often used. The inductance of these coils is not as easy to measure as resistance. Although some digital mult
[url=]It’s all the noise: The mystery of ENOB’s disappearance (1)[/url]This night looked no different. . . Cold. Silence. The
The remote control is TC9012, which uses a 38kHz carrier (a carrier cycle of 35us), a carrier duty cycle of 1/3, and after modulation, the transmitted waveform is composed of a 9ms pilot code (the fir
[table][tr][td][b]In the laboratory, the most commonly used oscilloscope is familiar to everyone, but does anyone know that the oscilloscope also has the problem of scope and direction of use? For exa