RCC_PLLConfig(RCC_PLLSource_HSE_Div1, RCC_PLLMul_7); //PLL uses HSE = 8M, multiplier 8, and works at 64M. Declaration: Other frequency settings do not exceed their frequency range. In this way, the pr
[i=s]This post was last edited by Baboerben on 2019-11-6 21:26[/i](1) Error: Copy protection check, No valid license found for this productReason: The lowercase letters of the 0x..... string of the re
Embedded systems are undoubtedly one of the hottest and most promising IT application areas. Embedded systems are used on some specific dedicated devices. Usually, the hardware resources (such as proc
Activity Post: [url=https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-485501-1-1.html]https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-485501-1-1.html[/url] :victory: The Micropython activity has been on the forum since March, and
I have transplanted a FATFS file system on STM32. I can read files correctly but I always fail to write files. f_write(&file, FlashBuf, 512, &bw) has been successfully executed but the read file is em