• Duration:22 minutes and 50 seconds
  • Date:2020/05/22
  • Uploader:hi5
Melexis' Hall switch and latch products have 26 years of experience and have sold more than 2 billion pieces in total. At present, our Hall switch and latch products have developed to the third generation products. They have many advantages such as lateral induction magnetic line capability, programmable functions, more diagnostic functions and PCB-free design, which bring convenience to automotive electronic design. , is widely used in seat position detection, brake position detection, window detection, gear position detection, etc. Meanwhile, the Melexis switch and latch range plays an equally important role in other industrial applications, such as ensuring washing machine doors stay closed, BLDC motors commutating correctly and safety interlocks on industrial machines being in place. This seminar will discuss: Introduction to the basic knowledge of Hall switches; unique technologies of Melexis Hall switches; Melexis Hall switch products and applications; introduction to development tools
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