Yesterday I got a 5.0BSP for Liyutai 2440. I put it on and ran it. As a result, the flash drive letter could not be found, but the flash capacity could be recognized normally in the storage manager. L
I am currently working on a project with MSP430FG6426, using both XT1 and XT2 as clock sources: XT1 32.768KHZ XT2 20MHZ But XT1 has not been working. In this MCU, the PIN of XT1 is independent and doe
The LM2596 series is a 3A current output step-down switch type integrated voltage regulator chip produced by TI. It contains a fixed frequency oscillator (150KHZ) and a reference voltage regulator (1.
[i=s] This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 03:44 [/i] Smart Car Competition Special Training [[i] This post was last edited by open82977352 on 2010-1-30 11:59 [/i]]
The control system of intermittent rotary press consists of: the main control system mainly completes printing registration, tension control and secondary printing.The auxiliary system consists of ten
I mentioned before that the software crashed, and then I couldn't get help in the group. There was no other way. Engineers need to solve problems by themselves in most cases. Therefore, I have to ment