Verilog HDL digital integrated circuit design principles and applications Cai Jueping and He Xiaochuan lectured by Cai Jueping and Li Zhenrong of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology
The full-bridge structure plays a wide role in circuit design. This paper introduces a design of isolated power supply based on full-bridge DC-DC. The half-bridge IGBT board mentioned in the paper has
There are four input data a, b, c, d. First, let A0=0, A1=0, and output y'0'); end if; en:='1'; end if; end if; if Aaa="01" then y'0'); end if; en:='1'; end if; end if; if Aaa="11" then y'0'); end if;
With the increasing application of battery-powered systems, many systems, especially portable products, are facing the problem of low-power design, and DSP -based application systems are no exception.
By: Kevin Meredith, Product Engineer, Samtec
Printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturers are under significant pressure to increase density, shrink footprint, reduce form factor, manage thermal flow, an