[i=s]This post was last edited by jim117 on 2022-4-4 21:52[/i]Previous link: https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-1187398-1-1.htmlWhen searching online, it seemed that I needed to use the emulator E10a t
Abstract: Establishing a satellite-ground geometric relationship model is an important part of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) echo simulation and imaging processing. The spherical earth mod
FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array CPLD: Complex programmable logic devices [b]What is the main difference between the two? For high-speed circuit systems, which one is better? [/b] Generally speakin
Raw-OS 2.0 for VS 2013 has been released. For those who don't have a development board, it is the most direct way to get started. The address is: [url]http://www.raw-os.org/download.html[/url]